Afghanistan Taliban Codify Morality Laws New Rules On Women Dress And necessary to cover their face and entire body Mandatory

Afghanistan Taliban Codify Morality Laws New Rules On Women Dress And necessary to cover their face and entire body Mandatory

Taliban Passes New Laws: Ever since the Taliban came to power in Afghanistan, they have been implementing Sharia law. During this time, the Taliban ruler has issued a new decree for women. This includes covering women’s entire body including their faces and banning them from singing or reading aloud in public.

Justice Ministry spokesman Maulvi Abdul Ghafar Farooq said that these rules were implemented by issuing an order by the supreme spiritual leader of the Taliban in 2022. However, now they have been officially published as law. At the same time, many foreign governments have been sharply criticizing the Taliban’s restrictions on women and freedom of expression.

Know what order was issued in the new decree of Taliban?

Article 13 of the new law issued by the Taliban is related to women. It says that it is necessary for a woman to cover her body at all times in public. Apart from this, it is also necessary to cover the face to avoid tempting and luring others. It is clearly written in the order that the woman’s clothes should not be thin, tight or short. Along with this, women have been advised to keep themselves covered in front of non-Muslim men and women.

Know what is the punishment for not following the orders?

The Ministry of Justice said that the new law has many restrictions. It also bans women from singing or reading aloud in public. Women are also prohibited from seeing men with whom they do not have any relation by blood or marriage. The punishment for violating these rules includes advice, warning, confiscation of property, detention in a public prison for 1 hour to 3 days and any other punishment deemed appropriate. Apart from this, if someone still does not improve, then the person will be taken to court.

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